
Nothing to Wear, A Quick Solution

  Are you filled with dread? When it’s time to get dressed?   Do you go to your closet wondering what you will wear?   Is your dark closet stuffed with clothes?   Or maybe you only have a few items hanging in your closet.   Why can’t you find anything to wear?   You […]

An Almost Pain-Free Way to Clothes Shop Even if You Hate Clothes Shopping

Feel overwhelmed and discouraged when you shop for clothes?   Nothing fits the way it used to.   Avoid shopping because It’s exhausting and frustrating?   Do you end up frantically shopping when you need something for a special event?   Worried you look washed out and old?   Clothes Shopping Dread   I used […]

Does This Make Me Look Fat?

How many times have you looked in the mirror and asked yourself, “Does this make me look fat?

Learn to Like the Way You Look By Discovering Your True Colors

When you look in the mirror, do you like the way you look? The magic of your true colors can transform you from Cinderella to a Princess.

An Interview With a Wizard

Interview with a Wizard is an interview by writer Sharon White with Nancy Goldblatt, Wardrobe Wizard. It originally appeared June 21, 2015, on the blog Quintessential Style

Wardrobe & Makeup Mistakes, Can An Image Consultant Help You?

Rattled when you see What Not to Wear consultants make client throw out everything in her closet. Wondering if you are a good candidate to work with an Image Consultant. Can you afford it?

What Is Your Fashion Personality?

How can understanding your fashion personality help you look marvelous and be your most authentic self in every situation? How can understanding your fashion personality make it easier to shop and put yourself together. A profile of Natalie S who is a “time-less classic, sport-natural, dramatic,” fashion personality includes photos.

Get Your Closet Ready To Be Shopped, 10 Easy Steps

Is your closet dark and so crowded with clothes that you can’t really see what’s in there? In order to “shop your closet,” you need to clean your closet out first. Here are 10 easy steps you can take to get your closet ready to be “shopped.”

Personal Image Consultation,from the Wardrobe Wizard, What Happens During the Consult (revised 12/14)

A real life example of what “the Wardrobe Wizard,’ does when she conducts a consult with photos and text.

Flattering Clothing for YOUR Body Shape: How to Choose

Choosing clothing that widens where your body widens and narrows where you body narrows will help you feel comfortable and look your best everyday.