closet shopping

Wardrobe & Makeup Mistakes, Can An Image Consultant Help You?

Rattled when you see What Not to Wear consultants make client throw out everything in her closet. Wondering if you are a good candidate to work with an Image Consultant. Can you afford it?

Why Can’t You Let Go of Your Old Clothes?

Do you have trouble letting go of your old clothes? A theory of why you may have trouble letting go.

Get Your Closet Ready To Be Shopped, 10 Easy Steps

Is your closet dark and so crowded with clothes that you can’t really see what’s in there? In order to “shop your closet,” you need to clean your closet out first. Here are 10 easy steps you can take to get your closet ready to be “shopped.”

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

How many of us look in the mirror and only see your flaws? Wardrobe Wizard’s experience shopping in a clients closet and helping her client to see her real beauty.