Three Fashion Fads That Waste Your Money
Are you trying to look current by buying the latest fashion fads?
Here are three of the latest fads, I give a thumbs down to because their main purpose is to get you to spend money.
These fads will soon be gone.
Sometimes fads turn into trends that last a few seasons. Trends can become classics that last forever. An example of this is denim jeans. I predict the following fads will never become trends or classics.
Shoes that are a different color than your outfit. The fashionistas call this “wearing a pop of color.” Do you really want people focusing on your feet instead of your face?
Another large pop of color. A second fad which is trying to become a trend. How many of you have purchased a very large purse that is a different color than your outfit (usually in a green or orange color.)
The third fad is the color orange which is everywhere this season. Orange can work for everyone, but you must know which shades and brightness of orange flatter you otherwise you risk looking like a pumpkin if the orange is too bright.
Here is Judith, one of my image clients in a beautiful “toned down orange,” top. If Judith wore the bright orange being shown this season, it would overpower her gentle coloring.

Judith, Wardrobe Wizard Client in a “toned down orange,” top
Look Current Without Wasting Money
The Halloween orange being shown this season doesn’t flatter many people. But when you understand the orange shades that flatter you, its easy to look current as well as visually balanced.
I am not discouraging you from trying new fads or trends. Just be selective about what you buy.
I urge you to get educated about what really is flattering for your unique coloring and shape so you don’t end up wasting your money.
Follow Your Inner Compass
Once you understand some simple rules about looking visually balanced, and you know what colors and silhouettes are flattering, you can begin to follow your inner compass in choosing what looks and feels right on you.
“The Wardrobe Wizard,” is available to work with you, no matter where you live.
If you live in Baltimore, Maryland, or surrounding areas she can work with you in person. If you live other places, she can work with you on-line using digital pictures.
Nancy Goldblatt, “The Wardrobe Wizard,” is a Color1, Personal Image Consultant who specializes in working with mid-life women whose size or shape has changed and who have too many clothes and “not much to wear.”
After a woman works with “The Wardrobe Wizard,” she will have a wallet of her best colors and styles, and a pared down closet. She will learn how to mix and match her best looks so she can get dressed “lickety split,” and look great everyday.
e-mail Nancy for more information, 410-513-9496
“The Wardrobe Wizard,” also works with younger women and is available to work with men. She was trained by Joanna Nicholson, founder of Color 1 Associates , an International Image & Style Company.
Does This Make Me Look Fat?
Color 1 Associates, Fashion fads, Learning to Like Your Looks, looking good, Looking visually harmonious, pop of color, real beauty, saving money, Smart Dressing for women
Appearance & Self Esteem, Bargains, beauty, choosing flattering clothes, choosing flattering colors, fashion tips, feeling beautiful, Frugal Fashion, Image Consultant, instant visual credibility, shopping, Visual harmony
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I have recently gone out and purchased a set of big beaded and stone necklaces in different colors and shapes to add a dash of color to my outfits. This is quite trendy these days, though I don’t prefer to wear shoes that are different in color from my dress. Honestly, I was quite tempted to buy a large colored bag (I saw dark pink, orange and yellow hues in store), but I guess now I’ll try to keep away from this.
Hi Sara,
I’m glad to hear from you again.
You are wise to have not purchased that large colored purse. Have you read my post on How to Choose A Flattering Purse?
Your are better off with a purse that is a shade of your hair color or even one that reflects the highlights in your hair, because you will always look more visually pleasing when you repeat body colors in your purse, shoes and belts. And you will be able to use these accessories with everything you own.
As for the brightly color chunky necklaces, this is a more economical way to get a “pop of color,” however, the necklaces should not be too bright or too big and overpower your natural coloring.
When I do a color analysis, I also explain the best jewelry scale this is based on your unique body colors and you height and weight.
I can do this online using digital pictures. e-mail me at if you are interested in finding out more about online consultantion.