Avoid Looking At Your Body In The Mirror?

When was the last time you looked at yourself in a full-length mirror?

full length mirror


I must confess, that for some time now I have been looking at myself in the mirror only from the chin up.


 I am asking this because the more “over fat,”  you are or “out of shape,” you are, the harder it is to look good in your clothes.

Yes, I use my full-length mirror before I leave the house, but recently I only quickly glance at my self from head to toe.

The other day I got some pictures taken of my silhouette in fitted, non-camouflaging clothing  for a sewing project I am doing.

I am still in shock.


I have always had an apple shaped body with narrow hips, flat bottom and muscular legs.


When I gain weight it’s usually in my stomach and waist area.  My previously flat derriere is no longer flat.

I had even fooled myself.



Yes, because I know how to dress for my body shape. I had even fooled myself, until I saw those pictures of me without camouflaging clothes.

I know I must take action for my health and of course, I am concerned about how I look and finding clothes that fit me.

Most of us need to work on improving our eating, sleeping and exercise.

How are your eating habits, sleeping and exercise habits?

 Dr. Oz says  to be healthy a woman should not have a waist over 32.5 inches. If your waist is larger than this, it means your belly fat is beginning to crush your other organs, especially your kidneys.

One way to determine a good waist size is to take your height in inches and divide it in half.

According to Dr. Oz, your waist size should be half your height or less than half your height.

How do you make time for exercise?

What do you eat that isn’t good for you?


When was the last time you looked at yourself in a full-length mirror?





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